New Feel Christian Science Monitor

Come in to our Christian Science Reading Room and check out the new look and feel of the Christian Science Monitor.  Part of a series on “The Climate Generation – Born into Crisis, Building Solutions,” this week’s issue includes exploration of these values: Freedom, Prosperity, Peace, Community, Innovation.

You can subscribe to the Monitor in 2 ways.  To receive the Daily email updates and have full access to their digital content you can subscribe for  US$11 (approx AUD$16.40) per month (or a discounted annual fee of US$110 (approx AUD$164).

To receive the daily digital content, have full access to the website and receive the print weekly magazine the current subscription price is US$15 (approx AUD$23) per month – or a discounted annual fee of US$150 (approx AUD$224)

You can subscribe through the CSMonitor website

If you need help subscribing, please visit us at the Reading Room and we can help.

The CS Monitor gives a window to the world where we (Christian Scientists and non Christian Scientists alike) can witness the operation  of perpetual Good in the world – a good which  is never depleted. 

(…”to spread undivided the Science that operates unspent”  The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 353:10–16)

You can buy the print weekly edition here at the Christian Science Reading Room (50 Pirie Street) for just $7. You can also come in and read it for free!  WE are open 9 to 5 Monday to Friday and would love to see you.







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